How to add new Tab in OIM PS3 and How to hide it from end user

  1. Login to identity console.
  2. Create & activate sandbox in Identity console.
  3. Go to Manage->users. List of users will be displayed
  4. Click on user login of any user and you will be able to see details of that particular user
  5. You will see various tabs on that page like 'Attributes' 'Roles' 'Entitlements' 'Accounts' 'Organizations' 'Admin Roles'
  6. Now we need to add one new tab named “Personal Information” after “Admin Roles” tab
  7. Click on customize button
  8. Click on structure present on the leftmost upper corner
  9. Click on the area where you want to add a new tab
  10. A prompt window will open then click on Edit.
  11. On the right side of the window, you will see the below vertical window
  12. In above vertical window we can see the parent tab i.e. PanelTabbedAbove
  13. Click on it and then click on the edit button which is the leftmost second option on customize page.
  14. Below window will open.
  15. Click on Add Tab button
  16. New Tab gets created. Change the name of it.
  17.       Enter the name as 'Personal Information'
  18. Click on Apply
  19.       As we want this tab at last position then use Reorder the tabs field. with the help of down arrows, we can adjust the position of the newly created tab.
  20.       Then click on OK.
  21.       You will see that the new tab is added on the page after the “Admin Roles” tab

  1.    To add information or attributes under  this new tab do the following steps
  • Click on ‘Personal Information’ in customize window
  • Click on ‘+’ i.e. add the symbol. Below window will appear

  • Open Web components tab which is the last option in the list

  • Select and add Panel Group Layout option from the list
  • Then click on this added layout tab and click on edit

  • Select the layout as vertical. 
  • Apply and OK
  • Click on the layout that we have rightly created and click on add symbol
  • Go to web components and add ‘show header details
  •  Change the name of the header by clicking on edit symbol
  • Give the name ‘Personal Information’ instead of ‘Header
  • Apply and OK
  • Now add ‘PanelFormLayout’ same manner as we added ‘ShowDetailHeader
  • Edit PanelFormLayout as below
  • Apply and OK
  • For adding attributes under this tab click on PanelFormLayout and click on add
  • Add Panel label with the message from Web Components
  • Change the name of that label. Here label is the name of an attribute that we want to add under the tab 'Personal Information'
  • Apply and OK
  • Click on PanelLabelAndMessage tab and click on add
  • Open Data Component-Manage Users
  • Open UserVO1 tab
  • Select the required attribute from the list
  •  Add that attribute
  • Here I am selecting 'City' attribute
  • Select ADF OutputText from list
  •  We can add any number of attributes that we want to add under 'Personal Information' tab i.e. First Name, Common Name, Email, etc. by following above-mentioned procedure.

2.  To hide Tab from End User do the following steps

  • Click on the ‘Personal Information’ tab
  • Click on edit and scroll down
  • Click on show component
  • Click on Expression Builder
  • Remove true and paste below EL(Expression Language)
  • #{oimcontext.currentUser.roles['SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS'] != null}
  • Click on Test
  • After successful test click on ok
  • Click on apply and OK
  • Close customization window
  • Publish sandbox
  • 'Personal Information' tab only visible to Administrator. It will be invisible for end users.

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