- Login to identity console.
- Create & activate sandbox in Identity console.
- Go to Manage->users. List of users will be displayed
- Click on user login of any user and you will be able to see details of that particular user
- You will see various tabs on that page like 'Attributes' 'Roles' 'Entitlements' 'Accounts' 'Organizations' 'Admin Roles'
- Now we need to add one new tab named “Personal Information” after “Admin Roles” tab
- Click on customize button
- Click on structure present on the leftmost upper corner
- Click on the area where you want to add a new tab
- A prompt window will open then click on Edit.
- On the right side of the window, you will see the below vertical window
- In above vertical window we can see the parent tab i.e. PanelTabbedAbove
- Click on it and then click on the edit button which is the leftmost second option on customize page.
- Below window will open.
- Click on Add Tab button
- New Tab gets created. Change the name of it.
- Enter the name as 'Personal Information'
- Click on Apply
- As we want this tab at last position then use Reorder the tabs field. with the help of down arrows, we can adjust the position of the newly created tab.
- Then click on OK.
- You will see that the new tab is added on the page after the “Admin Roles” tab
- To add information or attributes under this new tab do the following steps
- Click on ‘Personal Information’ in customize window
- Click on ‘+’ i.e. add the symbol. Below window will appear
- Open Web components tab which is the last option in the list
- Select and add Panel Group Layout option from the list
- Then click on this added layout tab and click on edit
- Select the layout as vertical.
- Apply and OK
- Click on the layout that we have rightly created and click on add symbol
- Go to web components and add ‘show header details’
- Change the name of the header by clicking on edit symbol
- Give the name ‘Personal Information’ instead of ‘Header
- Apply and OK
- Now add ‘PanelFormLayout’ same manner as we added ‘ShowDetailHeader’
- Edit PanelFormLayout as below
Apply and OK
For adding attributes under this tab click on PanelFormLayout and click on add
- Add Panel label with the message from Web Components
- Change the name of that label. Here label is the name of an attribute that we want to add under the tab 'Personal Information'
- Apply and OK
- Click on PanelLabelAndMessage tab and click on add
- Open Data Component-Manage Users
- Open UserVO1 tab
- Select the required attribute from the list
- Add that attribute
- Here I am selecting 'City' attribute
- Select ADF OutputText from list
- We can add any number of attributes that we want to add under 'Personal Information' tab i.e. First Name, Common Name, Email, etc. by following above-mentioned procedure.
Apply and OK
For adding attributes under this tab click on PanelFormLayout and click on add
2. To hide Tab from End User do the following steps
- Click on the ‘Personal Information’ tab
- Click on edit and scroll down
- Click on show component
- Click on Expression Builder
- Remove true and paste below EL(Expression Language)
- #{oimcontext.currentUser.roles['SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS'] != null}
- Click on Test
- After successful test click on ok
- Click on apply and OK
- Close customization window
- Publish sandbox
- 'Personal Information' tab only visible to Administrator. It will be invisible for end users.